Atlas Games

  • Writer's Handbook at a Glance Use the tools provided by the Once Upon a Time game to fuel your own fiction writing. Requires a copy of Once Upon a Time to use. Spin a Yarn: More about the Writer's Handbook In Once Upon a Time, players work together to tell a tale based on the information on the cards in their hand. Use this game to jumpstart your fiction writing with the Writer's Handbook. Learn how to put story elements together to create flow, and examine why some stories work and others don?t. Easily generate ideas to practice the material in the book using your Once Upon a Time game. Bust through writer's block and improve your craft with this easy-to-use tool!
  • Master has been blue lately. It's just not the same now that all lands known to evil have been conquered ? and when Master's blue, it's the minions who suffer. As a lieutenant in Master's army ? a foreminion ? it falls to you to cheer him up. Not the easiest task, even in the best of times. But then it hit you: What better way to cheer Master up than a cheerleading competition? Whichever foreminion builds and scales the most impressive tower of war-hungry minions in Three Cheers for Master will surely win Master's heart. What could possibly go wrong?
  • In Once Upon a Time, players tell a story together using cards that show fairytale elements and endings. Now add more adventure to your game with the Once Upon a Time: Seafaring Tales expansion. Inspired by daring pirates and stories of the sea, the 38 Story Cards and 17 Ending Cards in this set can be shuffled into your Once Upon a Time storytelling card game deck to add new themes and more variety to your game. For an even stronger nautical feel, try removing some of the core Story or Ending Cards.


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